
Yoga: rejuvenation for your whole body.

Yoga: rejuvenation for your whole body.



Yoga is a therapeutic practice that is proven to rejuvenate your whole body. Besides, it heals you inside out. From treating mental health issues to getting rid of many diseases yoga the best therapy you can do. However, it provides a whole lot of benefits for the human body still due to unawareness people tend to rather choose the gyms over yoga. To clear the thoughts and give you short and on-point information we are here with this thread. We will talk about the yoga practices, their benefits, side effects, and much more. We are sure of one thing, you will be looking out for your well-being after this reading. So, first thing first, let’s know what “yoga” is and why it is suddenly on hype among people.

What is yoga? And why choose yoga?

“Yoga” involves practices of breathing, meditation, and body stretching. Have you ever wondered why ancient people use to live so long and why they were so healthy? Have you ever wondered why in the last decade the average life span that can be seen of humans is 60/years? It is because of the food we eat and the environment we live in.

Nowadays even a 5-year-old kid can be seen as extremely stressed and anxious. Why? Because we don’t know how to channelize our energy at the right place. The best thing to deal with this issue is to practice mindfulness and yoga. Yoga not only stretches your muscles and makes them relaxed it is also proven to make your body and skin look young and firm for years.

Different yoga techniques and Asna can treat diseases such as thyroid, asthma, diabetes, constipation, etc. For children who are growing it is proven to increase height and improve their concentration.

There are so many never-ending benefits of Yoga. So for sure starting them today can be a whole new shift for your well-being for which your body will thank you.

Yoga for beginners: how to start

With the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, we all are trapped in our homes for the last two years. Meanwhile, gyms and other fitness centers are also closed due to the guidelines and prevention of the virus. However, you can make this time more productive by learning new skills, adopting healthy habits, and much more. One such thing which you can do for 10-20 minutes daily is Yoga.
You can start doing some easy yoga poses and transform your body and mind. Not only this, but the pandemic has also affected greatly to our mental health. Whether it is about work from home or the depressing news of losing our loved ones we all have encountered mental issues. At such a point shifting towards yoga and meditation can be soothing and beneficial for you.

In the following title, we have mentioned some easy poses which you can do even when you are lying on your bed. Mark our words just give “10-20 minutes of your day” and see the results by yourself. To clarify, read below.

Simple Asna you can try at home.

Here we will talk about some simple yet beneficial Asna which you can try at your home. You don’t need any trainer for it to can even try these by following the word to word steps as we have mentioned. But if in case you want more clarification then there are tons of videos available on Google, YouTube for your help. So without any further delay let’s get into it and start our guide for beginners yoga.

Three best pose through which you can start yoga journey.

Bridge pose

Bridge pose
Bridge pose

It is a simple pose that you can do before bed or just after you wake up. You have to stretch your back, hips upward and put your hands straight on the bed. Make sure your neck and head are straight and touching the flat surface. Hold the pose for 10-15 seconds in the starting. Later you can increase the duration to 20-30 seconds.
It strengthens core muscles, hip muscles, pelvic muscles chest muscles and improves blood circulation in the body.
Do remember to breathe in and breathe out during the process.



Shavasana or corpse pose is the simplest. This is the easiest pose in yoga. All you have to do is stay still and relax your body. Keep your hands and leg loose and free. Your face straight and keep breathing. However, in the starting, you may feel some difficulty but with time you can ace the pose. This will allow your body to relax and your mind to become calmer. Take time to do this often.

Cobra pose

Cobra pose
Cobra pose

Do you struggle with back pain? Or less flexibility? Then you should start doing cobra pose. All you need is a flat surface. Lay on your stomach and take your face upwards
Stretch your legs downwards and you will feel the tension in your back and spine. In starting you may find it difficult but with time it will become easy. Hold the pose for at least 15-30 seconds. Then relax. Repeat it three times a day. It will strengthen back muscles, relieve back pain, and is also good for growing kids for height increase.

Drawbacks of yoga

You may have heard many benefits of yoga but nobody has told you about the drawbacks. It is because it has none. Yoga has no drawbacks or ill effects on your body but it is only beneficial for you. However, you still need to keep your comfort in mind and do not push your body to do extra stretches than its capability. Also, perform those poses in which you are sure about them. moreover, you can look for videos on the internet for clarity about the proper Asna.

Bottom line

Yoga is not only a way to achieve fitness but it can also make you feel better about yourself. Mindfulness involves creates better concentration and calmness. With consistent practice, you can easily see the difference in your overall health and body. So let’s start it today. For a better state of mind and health.

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